We craft clever financial plans for families and small business owners
Financial planning & business advisory for all phases of life.
Young Professionals
Young professionals are not just building a career; they're crafting a life rich with potential and promise. Enjoying this phase of life, while keeping up or getting ahead often requires a balancing of priorities.
- "How do I grow my deposit?"
- "How do I start/grow my investments?"
- "Should I pay off my HECS/HELP debt?"
- "How do I buy a property?"
- "What sort of side hustle should I check out?"
- "Should I borrow money to buy a car?"
Ambitious Families
Ambitious families are pursuing a future where their loved ones can flourish. Every milestone reached is a testament to their commitment to a lifetime of wealth and fulfillment.
- "How do I achieve financial freedom?”
- "Should I salary sacrifice, start investing or pay the house off?"
- "How do I pay for school fees?"
- "How do I buy a BIGGER car?"
- "Should I put money away for my kids?"
Start-Up Business Owners
Start-up business owners chart unknown territory with a blend of calculated risk and strategy. Laying the groundwork for success requires meticulous planning and hustle.
- "Am I setup for success?"
- "Is this a lifestyle business or do I plan to sell it one day?
- "What taxes am I up for and how do I minimise them?"
- "Is my family safe if this thing crashes?"
Growing Business Owners
Growing business owners are off-and-racing, but are ready now to level-up. It’s time to systemise, optimise and automate this business to give you your time back and/or a foundation to scale up from.
- "Is there a better way to track my progress and forecast the future?"
- "How do I scale up?"
- "How do I get off the tools, so I can work ON the business?"
- "How do I get my time back?"
Empty Nesters
Empty nesters are spoiled for choice! Is it time to spend this new-found capacity on some fun or is it time to really hustle and build towards a dream retirement?
- "How do I maximise my wealth for retirement and when can I afford to?"
- "Would I take a 20% pay-cut for 50% "time-raise?"
- "How do I support the kids if they need it?"
- "Can I afford to travel more?"
- "What passion projects can I put more time into now?"
Retirement! You’ve done the hard yards, but now want to maintain the wealth you’ve built, enjoy it now and foster it for later.
- "How long will my money last?"
- "How do I support the kids and grandkids if they need it?"
- "What happens if something happens?"
- "What else can I do to give back?"