Brazen Advisory Pty Ltd - Version 2.0
Brazen Advisory Pty Ltd (ABN 40 660 706 874, ACN 660 706 874) is an Authorised Representative (Authorised Representative number 1307140) of AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited (”the Licensee”).
References to “our”, “we”, “us”, "me" and "I" refer to Brazen Advisory Pty Ltd.
This Financial Services and Credit Guide (“Guide”) contains information that will help you decide whether to use the financial services we offer. It sets out:
- who we are and how to contact us
- the advice and services we provide
- information about the Licensee
- our fees and how we are paid in connection with those services
- how we manage your private information
- how you can complain about a matter relating to us
Not Independent
Generally, we provide personal advice in line with the Licensee’s Approved Product and Services List (APSL) which may include financial products and services associated with the Licensee. We may receive commissions from life insurance products we recommend and non-monetary benefits such as training and educational seminars from product providers. For these reasons, we are not considered independent, impartial, or unbiased.
Our contact details
- Address: 134 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8348 3350
- Email:
- Website:
Documents you may receive in the financial planning process
We will provide you with several documents as you progress through your financial planning and advice journey. We may provide these documents electronically to your nominated email address, unless otherwise agreed.
When we provide personal advice, it will normally be documented and provided to you in a Statement of Advice (SoA). The SoA contains a summary of your goals and the strategies and any financial products we may recommend to achieve your goals. It also provides you with detailed information about product costs and the fees and other benefits we and others will receive, as a result of our advice.
If we provide further personal advice an SoA may not be required. We will keep a record of any personal advice we provide you for seven years. You may request a copy of such records by contacting us during that period.
If we recommend or arrange a financial product for you, we will provide a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), or Investor Directed Portfolio Services (IDPS) guide where relevant. These documents contain the key features of the recommended product, such as its benefits and risks, as well as the costs you will pay the product provider to manage that product. You should read any warnings in your advice document, the PDS or IDPS guide carefully before making any decision relating to a financial strategy or product.
Our advice and services
We are authorised to provide personal or general financial advice on:
- Wealth Accumulation
- Personal insurance
- Superannuation strategies and retirement planning
- Retirement income streams, including pensions and annuities
- Budget and cash flow management
- Centrelink and other government benefits
We are authorised to provide advice on and arrange the following products:
- Superannuation
- Securities
- Retirement savings accounts
- Managed investment schemes including Investor Directed Portfolio Services (IDPS)
- Deposit and payment products, including basic deposit, non-basic deposit, and non-cash payment products
- Life Products – Investment life insurance
- Life Products – Life risk insurance (including life cover, income protection cover, total and permanent disability cover, and trauma cover)
Your adviser may also be authorised to advise on other specialist areas. These are listed in their adviser profiles.
Transaction services
In limited circumstances, we can arrange financial product transactions for you on your instruction without providing personal advice.
Instructing us
You can give us instructions by telephone, mail, email, or other methods, as agreed with your adviser.
Providing information to us
It is important that we understand your circumstances and goals, so that we can provide you with appropriate advice and services. You have the right not to provide us with any personal information. Should you choose to withhold information, or if information you provide is incomplete or inaccurate, the advice or services we provide you may not be appropriate for you.
It is also important that you keep us up to date by informing us of any changes to your circumstances so we can determine if our advice is still appropriate.
Privacy Collection Statement
We are committed to protecting your privacy and outline below how we maintain the privacy of the information we collect about you.
As part of the advice journey, we need to collect information about you. Where possible we will obtain that information directly from you, but if authorised by you we may also obtain it from other sources such as your employer or accountant. If that information is incomplete or inaccurate, this could affect our ability to analyse your needs, objectives and financial situation, so our recommendations may not be appropriate or suitable for you.
We are also required to implement client identification processes under the Anti-Money-Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (AML/CTF) 2006. We will need you to present identification documents such as passports and driver’s licenses to meet our obligations.
We keep your personal information confidential and only use it in accordance with the Entireti Limited (Entireti) Privacy Policy. Some of the ways we may use this information are set out below:
- We and the Licensee may use this information to provide financial and/or credit advice and services to you, including passing on your details to third parties such as product issuers;
- We may disclose your information to other financial advisers, brokers and those who are authorised by the Licensee to review clients’ needs and circumstances from time to time, including other companies within Entireti;
- Your information may be disclosed to external service suppliers both here and overseas who supply administrative, financial or other services to assist us and Entireti to provide financial and/or credit advice and services to you. A list of countries where these service providers are located can be found in the Entireti Privacy Policy;
- Your information may be used to provide ongoing information about opportunities that may be useful or relevant to your financial needs through direct marketing (you can opt-out at any time); and
- Your information may be disclosed as required or authorised by law and to anyone authorised by you.
Licensee holds about you at any time to correct or update it as set out in the Entireti Privacy Policy. The Entireti Privacy Policy also contains information about how to make a privacy complaint. For a copy of the Entireti Privacy Policy visit or you can contact us.
Confidence in the quality of our advice
If at any time you are not satisfied with our services, the following will help you understand your options and find a resolution.
- Contact your adviser and tell them about your complaint.
- Alternatively, you can contact the Licensee at:
- Phone 1800 812 388
- Email
- Online at
- In writing to:
- Attention: Advice Complaints Department
- AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited
- Level 10, 88 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
They will try to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. They will provide you with a decision about your complaint within 30 days of us receiving it.
We note that in some circumstances, it may not be possible for us to completely resolve a complaint within this timeframe. If you do not agree with our decision in respect of your complaint, or are otherwise unsatisfied with our response, you may escalate your complaint to one of the following External Dispute Resolution Schemes.
- Any issues about financial advice, investments, superannuation, insurance matters, or credit matters:
- Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
- GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
- 1800 931 678
- Any issue about your personal information:
- The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
- GPO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
- 1300 363 992
You may also contact the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) on 1300 300 630 (free call info line) to make a complaint and obtain information about your rights.
Professional indemnity insurance
We maintain professional indemnity insurance to cover our advice and the recommendations provided by your adviser. The Licensee is also covered by professional indemnity insurance and this satisfies the requirements imposed by the Corporations Act 2001 and National Consumer Credit Protection Act. The insurance also covers claims arising from the actions of former employees or representatives of the Licensee, even where subsequent to these actions, they have ceased to be employed by or act for the Licensee.
About the Licensee
AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited; ABN 89 051 208 327
Australian Financial Services Licensee and Australian Credit Licensee; Licence No: 232706
Registered office is at Level 10, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia.
The Licensee has:
- Approved the distribution of this Guide.
- Authorised us to provide advice and other services as described in this Guide.
About Mutual Advice Partners Pty Limited & Entireti Limited
The Licensee is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mutual Advice Partners Pty Limited (MAP).
MAP is a subsidiary of Entireti Limited, a group that specialises in licensing and advice business services to financial planning practices and their clients.
AMP Limited holds a minority stake (currently 30%) in MAP.
We can provide advice on products and services from a wide range of financial product and service providers, some of which are related or associated with the Licensee.
If we recommend a product issued by AMP Limited or a third party product issuer, they will benefit from our recommendation by receiving product, administration and investment fees, as well as fees paid by fund managers to distribute their product. These fees are all disclosed in the relevant PDS or IDPS guide.
The Licensee maintains an APSL, from a diversified selection of approved Australian and International fund providers, including companies related to the Licensee. These have been researched by external research houses as well as our in-house research team. The Licensee regularly reviews products and services to ensure they remain competitive with similar products that address similar client needs and objectives. Generally, we recommend products on the APSL. However, if appropriate for your needs, we may, subject to the Licensee’s approval, recommend other products.
Authorised Representatives and/or staff employed in our business may hold shares in AMP Limited, whose share price may be favourably affected by the sale of products issued by AMP Group companies.
Our fees
We will discuss and agree the actual fees with you before we proceed and where relevant the fees and commissions will be disclosed in the advice document provided to you. The following section outlines the types of fees that may apply.
The fees charged for our advice and services may be based on a combination of a set dollar amount, or a percentage-based fee. Our agreed advice and service fees may include charges for one off or regular fees. We may also receive initial or ongoing commissions from certain product providers.
Licensee fees
Unless stated otherwise, all permissible revenue, including any advice and service fees and commissions will be paid to the Licensee. It will then pass on the amounts due to us through its payment system. The Licensee charges us a Licensee Fee each year. The Licensee Fee is determined as an annual amount based on a number of factors, including our business revenue, the number of advisers and/or accredited mortgage consultants in the practice and a practice fee.
Other costs
Other costs may apply in the process of providing our advice and services to you. We will agree all additional costs with you prior to incurring them.
The following table outlines the range of fee we charge and should be used as a guide only. We will discuss your individual needs and agree our fees with you. The actual agreed fees will depend on factors such as the complexity of your circumstances and goals and the scope of the advice. All fees and charges include GST.
Fee type & Description
Initial or ad hoc fees
Personal advice will be provided in writing, in a document called a Statement of Advice (SoA). This document sets out your personal circumstances and your needs and objectives, and then explains the resulting strategy and recommendations
The areas of financial advice services that can be offered to you cover the following areas:
- basic deposit products, commonly understood to be savings and transaction accounts for everyday deposits and withdrawals;
- non basic deposit products, such as term deposits;
- derivatives;
- debentures, stocks or bonds issued (or proposed to be issued) by a government;
- life products including investment life and life risk insurance products;
- interests in managed investment schemes including investor directed portfolio services;
- retirement savings accounts;
- superannuation including self-managed superannuation funds;
- securities, including direct equities; and
If we have entered into an arrangement for initial or ad-hoc financial advice document, the fee can range from a $2,600 to $10,000 depending on the level and complexity of service.
Ongoing service fee
If we have entered into an ongoing fee arrangement for an ongoing review of your financial planning strategy, the fee can range from a $3,500 to $20,000 depending on the level and complexity of service. Details of the services and fees will be set out within the agreement.
Annual advice and service fees
You can elect to enter into a 12-month advice and services agreement as part of your financial planning strategy. The fee can range from a $3,500 to $20,000 depending on the level and complexity of service. Details of the services and fees will be set out within the agreement.
- Insurance:
- Initial commissions:
- Up to 66% of the first year’s premium for new policies implemented from 1 January 2020.
- We may receive commissions on increases or additions to existing policies of up to 66%.
- Ongoing commissions:
- Up to 22% of the insurance premium each following year.
- For example: On insurance policies implemented from 1 January 2020, if your insurance premium was $1,000, we would receive an initial commission of up to $660. We would receive an ongoing commission of up to $220 pa.
- Initial commissions:
Other benefits we may receive
In addition to the payments explained above we may receive other monetary and non-monetary benefits, support services or recognition from the Licensee to help us grow our business. These are not additional costs to you. They could include training, badging rights, technology and technology support, marketing, financing, events or other recognition we are eligible for. We may receive benefits from product issuers that may include non-monetary benefits that are valued at less than $300. We may also participate in business lunches or receive corporate promotional merchandise tickets to sporting or cultural events and other similar items.
From time to time, Entireti Limited may facilitate access to the Licensee and us to be trained and educated by product issuers on their products.
Personal and professional development
The Licensee provides personal and professional development opportunities such as education and professional development programs, offered annually to qualifying practices.
Placement fees
From time to time the Licensee may receive fees from brokers or product issuers (including AMP group companies) for arranging client participation in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) of financial products. The fee, which is generally a percentage of the fee paid to the broker, varies from offer to offer and by the level of participation by the Licensee. We may share in this fee based on the level of participation by our clients.
Other business interests and relationships
Other Business arrangements and interests
In addition to providing the services listed in this Guide, we have a financial interest with Brazen Finance Pty Ltd which provides mortgage broking and asset finance services, as well as small business advisory services.
We control 100% of the equity interests in the business providing the services listed above.
As a result, we will benefit from fees, dividends or income received from the business’s profits that may result from any payments or other benefits received in respect of the services provided to you.
Credit representative of non-AMP ACL:
I am a credit representative of Australian Finance Group Limited (Australian Credit Licence number 389 087). If I provide credit services to you, then I will provide details in a separate credit guide. The Licensee has no involvement in these activities and is not responsible for any credit services I provide.
Financial and Credit Adviser Profiles
About Jarod Winders
Jarod Charles Winders is an Authorised Representative (AR number 1270230) of the Licensee.
Contact details:
- Address: 134 Hutt St, Adelaide SA 5000
- Phone: 08 8348 3350
- Email:
Advice and services I can provide
I am authorised to provide the services listed in the Our advice and services section of this Guide.
How am I paid?
Jarod Winders is a director, shareholder and employee of Brazen Advisory Pty Ltd and receives a salary and dividends from the practice.
Our Referral arrangements
We may receive payments to refer you to other service providers. These amounts do not involve additional costs and will be disclosed in your SoA. Our current referral arrangements are detailed below:
- Providers
- AIA Health
- Services: Private Health Insurance
- Payment Arrangement: AIA Health will pay a referral fee of 20% of the client’s first year’s premium (plus GST), 16% (plus GST) will be passed to the Practice and 4% (plus GST) will be retained by the Licensee.
- Allianz Australia Insurance Limited
- Services: We may refer you to Allianz, who will assist you with your general insurance, including:
- Home & Contents Insurance
- Car Insurance
- Landlord’s Insurance
- Caravan & Trailer Insurance
- Payment Arrangement: If we refer you to Allianz for general insurance, the Licensee will receive:
- 14% of the premiums paid for Home & Contents or Landlord Insurance
- 5% of the premiums paid for Car or Caravan & Trailer Insurance
- The licensee will pass on 80% to us.
- Example: If the total referral fee is $1,000, the Licensee will retain $200, and we will receive $800.
- Services: We may refer you to Allianz, who will assist you with your general insurance, including:
- AIA Health
My other business activities and relationships
Jarod Winders has the following involvement in businesses external to Brazen Advisory Pty Ltd.
- Brazen Finance Pty Ltd:
- Name: Brazen Finance Pty Ltd
- Business Type: Finance Broking and Small Business Advisory
- Nature of Relationship: Jarod Winders is a director, shareholder, advisor and credit representative of Brazen Finance Pty Ltd.
- Benefits received: Jarod Winders receives dividends from the practice. Jarod Winders controls the equity interests in the business providing the services listed above. As a result, he will benefit from fees, dividends or income received from the business’s profits that may result from any payments or other benefits received in respect of the services provided to you. The Licensee has no involvement in these activities and is not responsible for any services, advice or products provided by this business.